USoWB News

News 01

Jeremy Rivkin‘s 2014 Google Management presentation still relevant today, integral to phasing out coal, establishing, worldwide renewable energy solutions.

News 02

FUNDAMENTALS    Ten Keys to Reality

Frank  Wilczek winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
Earth’s radius is around 4000miles, roughly the distance from New York to Stockholm – or a billionth of a light year (the distance light travels in a year). The universe, by contrast , stretches across many billions of light years.
Time too, is …abundant. Humankind began to emerge about 300,000years ago, so the history of Homo sapiens is but a tiny fraction of our planet’s roughly five billion years
But immensity is not merely outward…every person contains an inner vastness. The human body consists of some 10 octillion atoms (think of 1 followed by 28 zeroes), an amount roughly a million times larger than the number of stars in the visible universe…While a human lifetime is dwarfed by the age of the cosmos, it is long enough for the brain to process about 100 billion distinct moments of consciousness. The daunting scale of the universe can be met with the comforting reassurance of our own internal grandeur.
Mr. Wilczek’s call for rebirth involves another sense, one closer to a spiritual awakening.
“In studying how the world works, we are studying how God works, and thereby learning what God is. In that spirit, we can interpret the search for knowledge as a form of worship, and our discoveries as revelations…
Why not, bring this spirit to supposed conflicts between art and science, or philosophy and science, or religion A,  and religion B, or religion and science?”

Amazon Books

News 03

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News 04

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.